Australian National Veterans Arts Museum (ANVAM)
ANVAM supports the whole-of-life wellness of current and former members of Australia's military and families through facilitated arts engagement.
Veteran Artists, Sacha De Wit and Kirshy McAinch, have developed a poignant and immersive installation titled 'The Unknown Widow' that invites communities to engage in conversations about remembrance, commemoration and the enduring impact of war on individuals and families.
'The Unknown Widow' aims to honour the memory of Australian service personnel from World War I through a unique blend of embroidery, narrative, and performance. The project will showcase a collection of 66 machine embroidered handkerchiefs, each bearing an epitaph for individual Australian Imperial Force (AIF) soldiers from World War I. The selection of sixty-six handkerchiefs is purposeful, symbolizing the maximum number of characters widows & families were permitted to use when writing epitaphs...
The installation will feature an interactive and auditory component with a new recording & live performance of John McCormack’s iconic song “There’s a Long, Long Trail” by Kirshy McAinch that will further enhance the immersive experience.
'The Unknown Widow' holds significant potential for adaptation and display in various locations beyond its initial showcase at FOVA25. The adaptability of the installation opens avenues for broader community engagement and outreach, allowing diverse audiences to experience and interact with the installation in different settings and broaden their understanding of the timeless impacts of loss throughout communities.